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During the time of the Celts the battle of the Druids took place right here, on Place du Devens. An unfortunate stroke by a magic wand created the heated swimming-pool.
No battle was fought here, but the Celts did occupy the region for a while. The sanctuary is located on the Mormont Hill, between the municipalities of Eclepens and La Sarraz. Excavations, conducted since 2006 by Archeodunum SA, have uncovered more than 250 offering pits. They found an important amount of archeological material (made of ceramic, iron, bronze, grindstones, skeletons of sacrificed animals, …). These findings made it possible to date the occupation of the sanctuary quite precisely to a relatively short period, between 120 and 80 BC.
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Main Street
Audrey Hepburn Platz
Dieser schöne Platz im Zentrum von Tolochenaz ist zum Gedenken an die Schauspielerin Audrey Hepburn.
Quelle der Venoge
Die Venoge wurde im Jahr 1954 von dem berühmten Jean Villars-Gilles verewigt und hat ihre Quelle im oberen Dorf von L'Isle.